Sunday, 1 November 2009


1. 2.

3. 4.

1. See on Atlandi ookean. Oli ilus soe ilm. Vesi oli veidi külm, aga see ei takistanud ilusaid poisse surfamast. :)

2. See on Atlandi ookean, maja ja purjekad.
3. See on üks hästi lahe "maja" - tegelikult ainult sein.
4. Ja need oon kaks kassi katusel.
Ma panen kõik pildid (need on ainult mõned) ka facebooki üles.
Niisiis, blogi... arvasin, et vahel võiks eesti keeles ka kirjutada...see oleks siis esimene kord.
Olen praegu Lissabonis, kell on praegu 00.39-Tallinnas 02.39. Nagu paljud teavad olen ööloom ja ei maga kunagi. Praegu lihtsalt pole midagi teha.
Mul on siin mingid lärmakad naabrit, kes panevad pidu ja lasevad mingit imelikku jama, mis peaks nagu olema muusika, aga tundub nagu mingi kole 80ndate klubi.
Kuulsin just kohutavat tümpsu ja arvan, et see on mu onu, kes samuti suvatseb öösiti üleval olla. Kas see või ta magab tuledega.
Tahaks täiega kööki minna. Tahaks mahla, jogurtit ja jäätist. Siin on mingi hästi hea jogurt, selline küpsisemaitselina, ag ilma tükkideta nagu mulle meeldib. Ma ei julge ainult kedagi üles äratada ja kui mu onu tuleb siis ta põhimõtteliselt avastab mu tema külmikut röövimast. Kuigi jäätise ja jogurti ostsin mina.
Tegin omale twitteris konto ja soovin nüüd inimesi, keda saaks follow'ida. Minu twitter on:
ma tean, et väga põnev nimi. :D
Mulle tundub, et keegi ei viitsi mu blogi lugeda. Ma ka ei viitsiks enda oma lugeda. Ma ei viitsi seda mõnikord kirjutadagi.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

I'm flying to Lisbon tomorrow to see my uncle. I really want to leave Estonia for a while, because it's so wet and gloomy...horrible. I want snow already and Christmas. I love Christmas. It's my favourite time of the year. I know everyone likes summer, but for me Christmas is magical.

I'm reading Dan Brown's Angels & Demons right now and it's wonderful. I know I'm a little late to the game, but better late than never. It is so gripping I could barely put it down to write this post.

I hope I'll get my computer soon, because my mother has been promising it to me for months. Right now she's in Moscow, but when she gets back tomorrow I'll harass her until my plane leaves at 6 o'clock. She's not coming with me. I really hope, it's nice weather in Lisbon.
Oh, my Estonian language teacher is going to Lisbon in March or whatever and she wants me to tell about the cheapest hotels in town and places she needs to see. I feel like a human guidebook being used because someone is to lazy to use the INTERNET. When she asked me, I just smiled politely, thinking:"You are ruining my vacation. I'm going to Lisbon to rest, not to search every corner of it for the best hotel." But, as I am a giving sort of person, I agreed. I hope she remembers this and mentions my kindness and my compliance to peoples wishes in my gymnasium and university letter of recommendation.
Now I will go to play a computer game, Bye.

Friday, 2 October 2009

First post in a really long time.

Right now I'm at Helen's place which is always fun. We are both in seperate computers and I'm reading facts about Chuck Norris and talking to Maari. I don't know what she's doing. Right now the best Chuck Norris joke I have found is:
Einstein's original Theory of Relativity was; if Chuck Norris kicks you, your relatives will feel it. How stupid and hilarious is that. :D
Today we had the teachers day, which is when the 12th graders teach us instead of real teachers. It was really fun. It might be our last one, beacause I'm not sure that 9th grade have it.
I really miss my brother. He goes to militaryschool in Tartu and comes back only on weekends, if hw comes. I think he might be home now eating mmy sushi, which I made for 2 hours and now left it in the hands of my sushiloving family. Probably when I go home tomorrow, there'll be one little lonely sushiroll in the sink because the person who ate sushi probably mixed up the plate and the sushi. I'll eventually find a soycovered plate in the trashcan.
This is the most idiotic topic ever, so I'll stop.

Bye, Silvia

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Ghosts and Monsters and Giants...Oh my!

My cat is a lovely cat. Well, he's kind of a moron, but I still love him. Right now it's 22.38 local time and he is sitting in my lap trying to sleep, but I keep moving around and he's slipping under the chair. I'm watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's" for like the 4th time. Maybe the third. I kinda feel like Blair in Gossip Girl. I haven't actually seen much of the series, so I don't know if Blair likes "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in there, but she did in the book. Right now Holly and Fred/Paul are trying to steal a fishbowl, but didn't succeed...Now they are kissing.

i have actually nothing interesting to say. If tomorrow has nice weather, I'll go discover new places after school. Oh, I forgot to mention, I officially finished music-school today. I had my graduation.. AAAANNNNDDD...tomorrow is no school, because it's the end of the schoolyear and everyone's lazy and no one wants to teach anymore. I like the end of the schoolyear not because its ending but in the end it's all so free and you can be like all together and don't have to do anything, just talk orsth. I like to talk. It's fun with a few people, but with the whole class (of 34 people) it's quite a nuisence. Once we had alovely friday evening talking in our class with 10 people. It was so much fun.

A new quote on : Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Matthew Rhys

I love him. He was so fantastic in Edge of Love, but in Brothers & Sisters he is so good. He's American accent (and that he can do one so well) and the fact that he's a hot gay man... mmmm. And he's not a typical gay man, he's very masculine. And the fact that he's not gay in real life makes my obsession even bigger. He's so cute. Not like heartthrob or like prettyboy cute, but reaaaallllyy cute. He Welsh accent is so sexy.
In B&S he's so grumpy and brutally funny. I could go on and on, but I won't. Save you from my obsession.