Tuesday, 27 October 2009

I'm flying to Lisbon tomorrow to see my uncle. I really want to leave Estonia for a while, because it's so wet and gloomy...horrible. I want snow already and Christmas. I love Christmas. It's my favourite time of the year. I know everyone likes summer, but for me Christmas is magical.

I'm reading Dan Brown's Angels & Demons right now and it's wonderful. I know I'm a little late to the game, but better late than never. It is so gripping I could barely put it down to write this post.

I hope I'll get my computer soon, because my mother has been promising it to me for months. Right now she's in Moscow, but when she gets back tomorrow I'll harass her until my plane leaves at 6 o'clock. She's not coming with me. I really hope, it's nice weather in Lisbon.
Oh, my Estonian language teacher is going to Lisbon in March or whatever and she wants me to tell about the cheapest hotels in town and places she needs to see. I feel like a human guidebook being used because someone is to lazy to use the INTERNET. When she asked me, I just smiled politely, thinking:"You are ruining my vacation. I'm going to Lisbon to rest, not to search every corner of it for the best hotel." But, as I am a giving sort of person, I agreed. I hope she remembers this and mentions my kindness and my compliance to peoples wishes in my gymnasium and university letter of recommendation.
Now I will go to play a computer game, Bye.

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